#029: How to Regenerate your Justice and your Joy!

podcast Jun 02, 2023

On this episode I share my experiences at protests, struggles with internalized white supremacy, and ultimately decolonizing my activism. I introduce the concept of Regenerating Racial Justice and share the 5R's for restoration and regaining energy during the summer solstice. 

The Five R's include Rest and Release, Restore, Root and Roar. 

I emphasize the importance of realigning with the natural world and heart's intelligence for liberation. The episode also covers the impact of colonized thinking on our relationships with ourselves and the natural world.


This was originally a talk that I gave to some members of my racial justice from the Heart community.  I decided to edit it and make it a podcast because it reflects my latest thinking and feeling about how to do racial justice or any justice work in a way that is healthy, regenerative, and life giving.  Something I think has been missing too often from the work we do is delight! 

These 5R's are going to be the focus of our upcoming Soul Journey to the Summer Solstice  on June 17 through the 21st.   Each day we're going to focus on one of the R's with the intention that we regenerate and roar by the completion of our time together. 

Go to: Soul Journey to the Summer Solstice 


Aminata Sol [00:00:00]:

Hey, beautiful. Thank you for joining me for this solo episode where I am going to be talking about how to regenerate your racial justice. Now, this was originally a talk that I gave to some members of my racial justice from the Heart community and I decided to edit it and make it a podcast because it reflects my latest thinking and feeling about how to do racial justice or any social justice work in a way that is healthy, regenerative, life giving, delightful, et cetera. Which is something I think has been missing too often from the work we do as change activists. So that's what you're going to hear in this episode.


I want to begin, though, before bringing that recording on, I wanted to share this quote with you by Rainer Maria Rilke. And he says, "if we surrendered to Earth's Intelligence, we could rise up rooted like trees. If we surrendered to Earth's Intelligence, we could rise up rooted like trees." And in so many ways, I feel like this captures why I wanted to call this podcast the Mother Tree Network, because I feel like trees are a model for us, for how to be in the world. Trees are a source of wisdom and guidance for us. And I wanted to invoke our connection to the Earth's Intelligence.


So I want you to come on into this episode about how to regenerate your racial justice. Thinking of it not just as an external, organizing, community based practice of racial justice, but also think of it like in terms of how you are with yourself, how you live out the value of justice, of racial equity in your own life, and how are you when you don't meet your own standards? In this episode, I'm going to share with you what I call the Five R's to regenerative racial justice.


And these five R's are going to be the focus of our upcoming Soul Journey to the Summer Solstice experience. The Soul Journey to the Summer Solstice is going to take place June 21 no, June 17 through the 21st. And the whole intention is each day we're going to focus on one of these five R's with the intention that we regenerate and roar by the completion of our time together.


So it's going to be fun. It's going to be restful. It's going to add clarity and confidence for your voice in terms of your own liberation path, your self love path, and your path for justice. So I hope you will join us for this virtual global experience June 17 through the 21st, and you can get the details from that on my website, drAmandakemp.com. DrAmandakemp.com. All right, see you on the other side.

Aminata Sol [00:03:41]:

You are here for the regenerate racial justice, regenerate your racial justice. And so thank you for coming. Thank you for coming to be part.

Aminata Sol [00:03:51]:

Of this conversation with me.

Aminata Sol [00:03:54]:

So here's what we're going to do. Today. We're going to walk a circle and talk about the lesson of cycles. Then I'm going to share a few thoughts about colonization, how we've been colonized, our thinking has been colonized. I'll share a little bit of my story and then I'm going to offer you the five R's to regenerate and roar. So that is something that I'll encourage you to take a little screenshot of as your takeaway. And I'll also share with you how you can continue and do those five R's with me via our soul journey to the summer solstice, which is coming up in June. When I was on my decolonization and healing trip earlier this month, one of the things that the teacher and I.

Aminata Sol [00:04:45]:

Talked about was how each of us.

Aminata Sol [00:04:51]:

Is here walk in a circle. And there are things that we have in common and there are things that are individual to us, but each of us is actually walking, going through cycles in our lives. Whether you just think of it as a 24 hours cycle or you think of it as a 365 day, a yearly cycle, each of us is going through a cycle. And some of us have certain kinds of challenges, lessons, opportunities, blessings, however you want to call these things that we are encountering and cultivating along the way.

Aminata Sol [00:05:41]:

Being in a cycle is not bad.

Aminata Sol [00:05:45]:

Doesn't mean that you failed. If you're like, wait, am I back here again? Doesn't mean that you failed. It means that you're in a cycle and you are going to keep encountering some parts of yourself, some opportunities. And that cycle doesn't have to just be repetitive. It can be deeper, it can be like a spiral. And one of the things that we talk about a lot is like, and I use this language of elevation. And so you can spiral up, you can elevate, but spiraling deeper is also valuable. Spiraling deeper is also valuable. So one of the one of the one of the challenges, one of the ways in which we've been colonized, those of us everybody and those of us who want to make change, who want to have profound, who want to create a profoundly different society. One of the ways in which we've been colonized is to think of things in a linear way, like it's forwards or it's backwards. It's yes or it's no dualistic. It's this or it's that. You're with us or you're against us. But if you look at a lot of ancient wisdom traditions that does not exist. There is multiplicity. Even if you look at something like the traditional YinYang symbol and traditional Chinese medicine, you'll see, if you really look, you'll see that even where there's a part that's light, let's call it white, you'll see there's a dot of black. And if you see the side that is black or dark, you'll see there's a dot of light or white there. So this, so this idea that we've got to be one thing or another, that consistency, that contradiction is something that we got to avoid, that we have to run it hard, that we have to cut it sharp, that we have to be supremely correct with each other and with ourselves. It's actually part of colonization. It's part of our having been colonized. I'm going to give you a personal example. I was co leading a racial healing racial what do you call it? I'm trying to think of the words that were used that they used to describe the event, but let me just call it racial justice. Racial healing. Okay. So I was at this thing, right? And it was like roughly equal numbers.

Aminata Sol [00:08:57]:

Of black and brown people and people.

Aminata Sol [00:09:00]:

Of European descent, roughly about equal. Anyway, it was a very last fall. It's very challenging for me. It was very challenging for me for a lot of reasons, some of which were outside of my control because the person was really supposed to do it, had a family emergency. I was brought at the very last minute, that kind of thing where you're like trying to figure out who's who and hold a space. Anyway. So it was very challenging. And things went well, right? Things were difficult. But if you do work for transformation, they will be difficult and you hold the ground, everybody's going to grow, including you as a facilitator. So I was super challenged, and I grew here's where the growth really was for me. I came home really doubting myself. I came home really doubting my capacity to really stand for liberation. I came home feeling like I had internalized white supremacy at such a level that I couldn't trust myself. And I found myself going through each and every moment of that five day, super deep experience. And it was like I was slicing and dicing myself. I don't know if you've seen those things, but it's like blades all around. No matter how you touch something, you're cutting you're cutting yourself. It was that painful how I was approaching it, because I was coming at it from a colonized mindset. Either or. Either or you're with us, you're against us. You're good or you're bad. You're infected by white supremacy or you're down or you're super black, whatever the thing is that you do. I was doing it, and I was powerless. I was so powerless until I got a message. I woke up, I got a message from the trees, and they said, give it to us to hold. Your mind cannot do anything with this except cause suffering. Wow. Now, is that that is not a yes or no answer. You know, was I colonized or was I not? Was I right or what I was I wrong? They were like, give it to us to hold it, because you can only suffer with this question, with how you hold it. So I did it. I symbolically gave it to the trees, and I asked my heart, what is there for me here? And the message I got was to take all of the black people who had been at that training and hold them in my heart to individually, personally bring them within and just give them love. People who I agree with, people who I disagree with, people who I hugged, people who I didn't hug. But to bring them all in.

Aminata Sol [00:12:30]:


Aminata Sol [00:12:30]:

Just to randomly text people and let them know that I was holding them, that is not linear. That did not get to the bottom of it, who was wrong and who was right. It did not go that way. There was another teaching available.

Aminata Sol [00:12:58]:

I do want to touch on this.

Aminata Sol [00:13:00]:

Thing about not pushing and energy. I'm going to pin myself or spotlight myself again for the video. So I've been around a minute. I'm 56, and I've probably been actively engaging, organizing, off and on, doing all kinds of stuff for racial justice since I was 16. And so everything I say here, check it with your body in your system. Really do check it with your body, okay? Because I'm going to tell you something that's true for me. And then I want invite you to check with your own inner authority. So all these decades I've been doing this work, right? And I happen to have been someone who was very inspired by the Civil Rights movement, by the Black Power movement. And I organized a lot of demonstrations and protests. I found it incredibly enlivening. I found it collective power. It was just something I did. It made me feel good. And then I noticed in 2020, I think, or it might have been 2021, who knows? But around then I started to go to events because I'm an elder in my community, people look for me. And I felt like I should show up. So interesting that thing that happened in me. So of course I'm going to show up because I'm going to show up just like that. Just like that energy. So I'm showing up at these things, but I'm not feeling good. Showing up, but I'm not feeling good. I don't know what to do about it because I've never shown up.

Aminata Sol [00:15:02]:

I've never shown up and not felt good.

Aminata Sol [00:15:06]:

So I keep showing up anyway. And then finally, the thing that tipped me over was I was at a rally of a silent vigil in protests against police violence, against black people and people like Sandra Bland, but not just police killings, but lots of black life. So like Trayvon Martin. So when I show up, we're asked to carry signs with a picture of someone who had been killed. And I had Sandra Bland, and that just felt very personal one for me. And so we had a silent vigil, but I was sitting next to these two young, very young black women, and they're both in Christian communities that were just in turmoil over all this Black Lives Matter stuff. And I guess they weren't predominantly white Christian communities, and they were just having a lot of battles on Facebook. And I listened to them, and I just said a little bit here and there, just trying to get a sense.

Aminata Sol [00:16:16]:

Of finally, I said to them, you sound exhausted.

Aminata Sol [00:16:23]:

You sound like you need to take care of yourself. Why are you here? Because they were getting very irritated by all the white people at the event who were doing part of the vigil. And I was like, So why are you here? And they were like, Well, I told so and so asked me, and I felt like I had to come. I was like, oh, okay. And then after the vigil, part of it ended, which was kind of organized by clergy, black led clergy men, all of a sudden, a conflict became apparent.

Aminata Sol [00:17:02]:

To me between that clergy leadership and.

Aminata Sol [00:17:09]:

A very younger, not secular Black Lives Matter leadership. All of a sudden, they were shouting, going on, yelling at each other, and I was like, what happened? What happened? What are we arguing about in public? What are we arguing about? So ultimately, they worked it out, and there was this thing about they were going to have a march, and this other group wanted to be a vigil, and they worked it out. Well, when the vigil is over, if you want to do that, you can do that. I mean, how could they stop them, right? So I was like, my husband was with me. My white husband was with me. And I was like, okay, honey. He's like, what are we doing? I said, we're going to go follow.

Aminata Sol [00:17:50]:

The we're going to follow the young.

Aminata Sol [00:17:53]:

People, follow the Black Lives Matter group, even though I didn't know any of those folks personally. So we're having this march, and we.

Aminata Sol [00:18:02]:

Start chanting, and one of the chants.

Aminata Sol [00:18:06]:

Was, I can't breathe, which, of course, are the last words of Eric Garner. And as we're walking, we're saying these words, I can't breathe. And I was like, I can't say this. This is not good for my nervous system, for me to tell myself I can't breathe. So I start saying, I can breathe. But I'm one voice. Everybody say I can't breathe. So what I'm really hearing all around me is, I can't breathe, and I'm having a hard time breathing. And then some other things are being said, like, what was the crime? Being black? And wow. I'm like, Well, I don't want to say that either. Being black is not a crime, you know? And so we're walking, and it's, like, feeling pretty heavy, and we're heading toward a police station. And then one of the young women who had talked to me earlier, she was ahead of me, and I literally saw her dysregulate. I saw her lose her shit. I saw her we were talking. One of the things that was being talked about was Black Trans Lives Matter, and something related to that she just lost it. She was just, like, overcome by anger and sadness and frustration, and she was just all over emotionally, and people kind of backed away, and some people started applauding her, and I was like, Holy.

Aminata Sol [00:19:54]:


Aminata Sol [00:19:59]:

This is not my place. This is not my place. If I had more capacity.

Aminata Sol [00:20:13]:

I would.

Aminata Sol [00:20:13]:

Have gone up to her and said, you know what? I think you and I need to go. I didn't have that capacity. And she picked up her sign, and she kept walking. But I said, you know what?

Aminata Sol [00:20:29]:

I'm done.

Aminata Sol [00:20:30]:

This is not my place. So I left. And I really was with that for a long time. Didn't say anything about anything about it publicly, because right or wrong, you're with us or you're against us linear. And now one of the ways I've.

Aminata Sol [00:20:50]:

Come to hold that experience is many.

Aminata Sol [00:20:54]:

Ways to hold it. So one of which is, it wasn't my place. If I don't feel good or energized in the space, it's not my place. It doesn't mean that it's wrong or that I'm wrong. Where is the space for me to contribute? It's going to be a regenerative space. It's not going to be a sole output space. I'm not making up a rule for everybody. I'm not making up a rule for you at this moment. What I'm saying is I'm offering a.

Aminata Sol [00:21:36]:

Way to look at it, to hold.

Aminata Sol [00:21:40]:

It, to experiment with in your own work for justice, in your own work for compassion. And the other thing I just want to say out loud.

Aminata Sol [00:21:53]:

And then I'm.

Aminata Sol [00:21:53]:

Going to go back to the agenda to make sure I'm right on track. When I did this investigation about justice.

Aminata Sol [00:22:00]:

And love, um.

Aminata Sol [00:22:06]:

I was saying for a while, I was saying that I really wanted to connect with people, healers and feelers, who are rooted in justice. I'm glad you feel you got permission to pause, because you do have permission to pause because you're in your circle. You have to stay in alignment with that path that you're walking. You can't walk my circle.

Aminata Sol [00:22:32]:


Aminata Sol [00:22:33]:

So one thing I want to say about justice and love, and again, this is something that was given to me by the trees, and that is love is the soil.

Aminata Sol [00:22:50]:

Justice comes up out of love.

Aminata Sol [00:22:56]:

If you start with justice and think.

Aminata Sol [00:22:59]:

You'Re going to plant love, it doesn't.

Aminata Sol [00:23:02]:

Work that way, because justice, in a lot of ways, is about separation. It's about saying, setting a boundary. No, we will not do this. You cannot do this here. You can't do this to me. Justice has a lot of no in.

Aminata Sol [00:23:24]:


Aminata Sol [00:23:27]:

But the foundation, the soil, is love. And when there's something that comes up that threatens the balance, the soil that depletes it. Whatever word you want to use for soil metaphor, I know I have some people out here on this call just from who you are. You know what I'm talking about, then justice has to come up and say.

Aminata Sol [00:23:55]:


Aminata Sol [00:23:57]:

Not here or not now or not this long or whatever boundary has to be set so that love, so that the flow can continue. I'm going to share these five R's because I want to make sure that I fulfill what I promised. Okay, so I shared a little bit about my story. The other thing I just want to say about cycles and the lessons of cycles, where you walked your circle and I talked about how you will in the course of your lifetime, you'll uncover some of the same things again and again. We talked about spiraling as a way to look at it rather than as like, why am I here again? What's wrong with me? One of the things I want to say about cycles, too, is if you look at social change, if you look at justice, if we expect it to be a linear thing, we won, we lost. We think if it's one or the other, then we're going to be surprised and have these expectations that something's wrong because we're still encountering racism. If you understand, if you look at what's happening as part of a cycle, you still have to deal with it.

Aminata Sol [00:25:44]:

It's still up, but you don't have.

Aminata Sol [00:25:47]:

To deal with it, like in a way that makes it more traumatic for.

Aminata Sol [00:25:58]:

Your nervous system by resisting it.

Aminata Sol [00:26:02]:

This shouldn't be happening. This shouldn't be happening. That response is natural, and it is what it is when it comes up. But I invite you to consider that saying what you resist persists. There's something about brooding and flowing that we can get from nature with how we can be with reaction, backlashes, movements forward. What we're going through right now is we're getting there's a backlash. If you around for more than a.

Aminata Sol [00:26:50]:

Minute, you can stop being shocked. You can start thinking about larger cycles, action, reaction.

Aminata Sol [00:27:05]:

Okay, so let's talk about the five R's. So what I'm really interested in right now, I'm really interested in liberation and I'm interested in regenerating. How do we follow nature's lead, nature's example, ourselves as part of nature? How can we look and learn about regenerating, especially as leaders or change makers or people who are working for justice and compassion?

Aminata Sol [00:27:42]:

Educators, social workers, wherever you're doing this.

Aminata Sol [00:27:46]:

Work into your business. How can we follow nature's example, nature's leadership and guidance towards regeneration so that we don't burn out? One of the things I didn't say when I shared my story with you is that my story, of course, led to burnout. And since I have the five R's up here, I'm not going to tell you more about my story, but trust me, it led to burnout because I was not regenerating. So let's talk about what these five R's are, and I encourage you to take a screenshot of this. So the first R is rest. If you notice, look at the natural world is there rest happening? Is there anybody who's saying squirrels shouldn't take a nap or take a sleep or that flowers don't pull in their little petals at night or the grass dies in the winter or whatever? You have it all around us. We see rest is 100% necessary and valid. What's happened, though, is we've gotten so activated in our nervous systems and we're so afraid that it's hard for us to rest. And I'm speaking to you very honestly as someone who's had years of having difficulty sleeping since 2020.

Aminata Sol [00:29:22]:

I've I've had.

Aminata Sol [00:29:24]:

To learn that rest comes with safety. It's not enough to just exhaust myself.

Aminata Sol [00:29:33]:

Because then you actually you can't really.

Aminata Sol [00:29:37]:

Rest when you're fully depleted. You actually have to have and you have to have enough energy left in your system to help your system to rest. When you work to depletion, which is what I was doing because I could not say no, because I felt like I should, because I was living that linear colonized way with us, you're against us. I work to depletion all the time and therefore I couldn't rest.

Aminata Sol [00:30:11]:

So to rest, though, we have to.

Aminata Sol [00:30:15]:

Cultivate safety in our nervous systems. And then your body will start to.

Aminata Sol [00:30:21]:

Let itself down, let itself rest.

Aminata Sol [00:30:27]:

The second R is releasing. And so I said here releasing either or thinking. That's my shorthand for that linear, dualistic kind of thinking that has you always, because you are human, will have you always cutting yourself or cutting those around.

Aminata Sol [00:30:48]:

You, even those in your movement, in.

Aminata Sol [00:30:51]:

Your organizations that will have you always cutting anyway. So releasing that kind of thinking that either or thinking, releasing regret and shame about what you did or what you didn't do so that you can bring presence. When you release judgment, you can actually bring presence. And the way that presence works is not linear presence. Like that thing the trees told me about holding people in my heart, whether I agreed or disagreed with them, that's presence, that's on a level that is energetic. And when you bring presence to a conversation, to a meeting, to whatever it is that you are building or cultivating, when you bring presence, then you are allowing for presence to emerge in the other person. Much more could be said on this. Restoring. So one of the things I had to do in my journey to regenerate was to rebuild trust with myself. After years and years and decades of this either or kind of colonized thinking. Rebuilding trust with myself after depleting myself, after mistreating myself, ignoring myself, abandoning myself, pushing down what I needed, making myself long for having needs or for making mistakes.

Aminata Sol [00:32:45]:

Restoring is like.

Aminata Sol [00:32:52]:

Bringing myself back into partnership or friendship with myself.

Aminata Sol [00:32:59]:

Rooting so, in my opinion, systemic analysis.

Aminata Sol [00:33:07]:

Analysis of systemic racism or understanding and working for less interpersonal racism, those things meaning things that our mind can understand and generate, those are insufficient to the task of liberation. What the mind can produce is insufficient to liberation. We need, in my opinion, to go to a higher level of intelligence, a deeper level of intelligence. And that, to me, is the heart's intelligence. So when I say root, I mean root in the heart's intelligence into what is the heart's guidance? What is the heart's visions that are beyond the current paradigm? Because what the heart knows is beyond what is currently real. Another way to think about this is to root in the natural world, is to really realign yourself with the cycles and the wisdom of the natural world. One of the things that colonization did to us, that Enslavement did to us, that white supremacy did to us, was to remove us and disrupt our relationships with ourselves as part of the family of things, as a kinship relationship.

Aminata Sol [00:35:06]:

So this rooting r is about rooting.

Aminata Sol [00:35:12]:

Ourselves into a larger intelligence than the conscious, rational mind's intelligence. And then finally, I have down here roar. I'm going to say Roar because I had a very chance encounter with some Dandelions who I am now totally taking.

Aminata Sol [00:35:38]:

On in a relationship.

Aminata Sol [00:35:41]:

One of the things I'm doing now that I've never done in my entire life is I am washing dandelion greens and eating them. Why? Because they're incredibly good for you. Because I'm breaking down this whole thing that.

Aminata Sol [00:36:01]:


Aminata Sol [00:36:04]:

If it's grown around the ground that's near my house and I'm walking on, then it's not clean. I mean, all this kind of stuff. But anyway, when I was communicating with the Dana Lions, I was like, okay, what song can I sing to you? Dan alliance. I was just admiring this is part of one of my practices, is just to admire, show appreciation, and really look at a plant. And the song that came to mind when I was looking at this Dandelion was I Am Woman, Hear me Roar. And I was shocked. I was like, okay. Because when I was young, when I was, like, 1213, I really love that song. I used to sing that song when no one was around really loudly. I remember cleaning, singing. I won't hear me roar. And it wasn't until later that night or the next day that I realized, oh, my God, the Dandelions are crazy.

Aminata Sol [00:37:01]:

Because Dandelion, I didn't even think about that.

Aminata Sol [00:37:08]:

Oh, roar like a lion. Of course they would love that. And some of the lyrics in that song are I'm Woman here reroar and Numbers too big to Ignore. I mean, they're all over the place. They are so resilient. So when I think about this roaring thing, I'm talking about using your voice. Me using my voice. Not only to be external. Like, I'm roaring about these bands on bathroom, these bands trying to tell people which bathroom to use. And I'm roaring about, you can't teach African American history. So there are things like that, right? External roaring that I want to do.

Aminata Sol [00:37:58]:

But I also want to roar, meaning speak with confidence about what is in.

Aminata Sol [00:38:08]:

The circle that I'm walking. Is this a time for me to rest in the circle? Is this a time for me to release? Is this a time for me to restore time to me to root?

Aminata Sol [00:38:20]:

I'm using my voice and I'm believing myself.

Aminata Sol [00:38:27]:

When I tell myself it is time to restore, it is not time to roar. To X Group.

Aminata Sol [00:38:41]:

I want to say.

Aminata Sol [00:38:42]:

One more thing about Roar. I was on LinkedIn yesterday and.

Aminata Sol [00:38:50]:


Aminata Sol [00:38:51]:

Was on LinkedIn yesterday, and a young black queer man had posted about the Florida laws. And one of the things he said.

Aminata Sol [00:39:03]:

Was what he said repeatedly in his.

Aminata Sol [00:39:07]:

Post was, I am not safe in Florida. I am not safe in Florida. I think he posted it like 20 times, all in caps. And I read it and I.

Aminata Sol [00:39:20]:


Aminata Sol [00:39:20]:

So sad and scared. I also felt scared. I felt scared for him. I felt scared for me. And then I was like, hold on. Hold on. This is my roar. Hold on.

Aminata Sol [00:39:45]:

I am no good to us collectively.

Aminata Sol [00:39:49]:

If I, as a leader, tell myself.

Aminata Sol [00:39:53]:

I am not safe anywhere. That that statement.

Aminata Sol [00:40:06]:

I need to for me, I need to listen, notice. What does it do to me? What does it do to me to tell myself that, to repeat that to myself? What is it that I need to.

Aminata Sol [00:40:23]:

Say instead for me, that gives me.

Aminata Sol [00:40:30]:

A sense of belonging? Because they said that those legislators said that Mother Earth didn't say that.

Aminata Sol [00:40:42]:


Aminata Sol [00:40:43]:

Am her child everywhere. When I put myself inside of the inside of the larger cycle, inside of.

Aminata Sol [00:40:55]:

The larger system of the Earth, then I don't need to react that way.

Aminata Sol [00:41:19]:

To the Florida legislature. Now, I'm not saying this person is wrong, and I would never say that to them or put anything like that on social media, but I'm just saying I went through and I noticed.

Aminata Sol [00:41:34]:

And if I'm an Aurora, then I.

Aminata Sol [00:41:36]:

Have to roar with the authority of my experience.

Aminata Sol [00:41:44]:


Aminata Sol [00:41:45]:

That was not an easy conversation to have. And as you could tell from the pauses, I was really thinking in real time about what is going on and the ethical, heartful, soulful way to move forward in terms of regenerating racial justice and providing leadership at this time. If you would like to join me for an experience of the Five R's, for what it's like to rest and release and restore root and Roar, please come on in to the soul journey to the summer solstice. We are going to explore these Five R's in the context of the sun giving us so much new energy. The sun at this time of year is all about expansion. Nourishing, the heart increasing joy. But we can't receive that until we do some of that work about releasing and resting. So I invite you, whether you are a racial justice advocate. Or an educator. Whether you are a mom, community leader, an entrepreneur, take the time during the summer solstice to go through these five r's to elevate your contribution. Even if your contribution ultimately takes you to the place of saying, I need to pause, which is exactly what I did for a couple of years. This five day soul journey will help you to do that. Just go to Dr. Amandacamp.com Dramandekemp.com and you'll see a link there to join us. Remember, the solstice is coming right up, so if you want to so, don't hesitate. Love to see you there. Peace and love.

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Mother tree Network Podcast--Where Spirituality and Earth Wisdom Meet Racial Justice and Women's Leadership.

Decolonize your body-mind and spirit by reconnecting with earth rhythms to become your unlimited self and evolve the planet.

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Journey to the Summer Solstice


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