Welcome to the Mother Tree Community!


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Are you a Mother Tree?   

✅ You nurture and heal many kinds of people and living beings with your wisdom, love, and work in the world.

✅ You protect the vulnerable and stand for justice.

✅  Empathy is your super power.

✅ You respect the earth's intelligence and want to root yourself in her rhythms and cycles of evolution.

✅  You seek to elevate the consciousness of this entire planet as we transition from the Old Paradigm of Rape Culture, War, White Supremacy, etc. to the New Paradigm of Interdependence and Wholeness.

If this describes you, read on!

As I continue my four-decades' journey in racial justice, I've become convinced that we need to pay more attention to the energy/intentions/love that we bring to daily life. 

We need to learn from the earth, especially trees who model strength, resilience, clear boundaries, and unconditional love.

Mother Trees in particular show us steadfast wisdom, patience, cooperation, and powerful communication.  They are in it for the long term.

They work on the  seen and unseen levels in multiple dimensions.

Get Your Membership

Why I started this Community...

I wanted a space to gather women and others to evolve our planetary consciousness and partner with the earth.

I am Aminata Desert Rose Plant Walker Fire Woman also known as Dr. Amanda Kemp.

After four decades of racial justice work, I finally listened to my body and spirit and stopped!

Touching plants, walking barefoot, noticing visits from various birds and animals, I experienced higher dimensions and started to see how the Old Paradigm has twisted our instinct for Justice and Community.

Little by little, forging a relationship, I finally started to trust the slow steady love flowing towards me--from the trees!

I asked questions and got answers.  I watched and listened with my whole awareness.

I learned the way to spiral up from Old Paradigm of War, White Supremacy and Rape Culture is to raise our frequency and expand our consciousness.

The trees taught me alternate ways to hold




Without losing Joy,  my Body, and Trust...

As my vibration shifted, I started to meet beautiful souls like you who were also aching for a New Paradigm.

Mostly healers, solopreneurs, community leaders, and artists, we were turning to nature and her rhythms for guidance about how to evolve ourselves and the planet. 

So, I created this community which is still very much in its beta stage.

I'm still feeling into the name but Mother Tree Community feels right for now.

It's a way for you to:

  • Raise your frequency
  • Work with Nature
  • Believe in your Sacred Work
  • Rest
  • Make new Friends


Get Your Membership

" So Powerful & Beautiful"

"I just did the exercise ... So powerful and peaceful. A beautiful practice in self love , nurture and mindfulness! Thanks Amanda!! "

Community Member

" What Inspiration!"

"Wow! What inspiration and truths that were shared! Thank you Amanda and all of you beautiful humans in this community.  "

Community Member

Who Will Be in the Room with You?


What to Expect

Mother Tree members include solopreneurs, authors, land keepers, social justice leaders, artists and healers. 

We are mostly women from various racial and ethnic backgrounds.

You can expect to feel relaxed, centered, and seen in our community. 



You get:

  • Bi-Monthly Live  Conversations with mostly women leaders about nature's intelligence, collective liberation, ancestral healing, and expanding our consciousness.
  • Monthly Meet Ups on Saturday Mornings

  • Live Book Discussions of works by mostly Black Indigenous People of Color.

  • On Demand Meditations to help you rest, compost shame and guilt, and tap into plant guidance.

  • Connection with people from various races and ethnicities.
  • Discounts and first access to programs such as Slow Down & Regenerate with the Earth, Sosltice and Equinox Soul Journeys, Transform your Conversations about Racism, and more!

" It's Transforming Us!"

"Thank you for the energy you are holding. I appreciate its openness, positivity, neutrality (unconditional love & acceptance). I can feel it transforming us."

Community Member

"I feel held and grounded in love."

"... A beautiful commitment among us to practice unconditional self-acceptance so that our work together and in the world flows through with more ease and less effort."

Community Member

Compassionate Pricing!


  • You may cancel at any time.
  • Pay via Credit Card or Paypal 

Suggested Price: $97/month




The Mother Tree Community is open to all and is Black-woman led.

We practice racial justice from the heart.  European American friends who are aware of implicit bias are welcome.  We encourage BIPOC to practice self-love and sovereignty.  If you are interested in finding out more about Racial Justice from the Heart trainings or would like to ask a questions about joining the community, contact us at [email protected]

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions

"Even more courage to speak with love..."

"Confidence; even more courage to speak with love my truth and my truth is as it always was, but I'm not angry about it anymore...I believe through love and real effort we can really blossom into who we should be as a society, a community, as a world."

Community Member