So Good!

in the Mother Tree Community


Regenerate with Earth & your Ancestors
So That You Can
Be Your Unlimited (Intergalactic) Self
& Elevate Our Planet

Who this is for…

Approaching burnout, but can't say no?

On the verge of something new, but too scared to make a move?

I’ve been there.

I've started a non-profit and and a business.

I've struggled because I couldn't pay my bills, and I've earned way more than I dreamed.

I've gotten burnt out, but now I've found my grounding by regenerating with earth.


What is an Apprenticeship and why am I offering this?

I'm offering this Apprenticeship to give a small group of folks the space to Slow Down and learn from nature, their ancestors and their bodies/hearts.

As an apprentice, you get to work side by side with me and our community as you PRACTICE the Regenerate with the Earth 5R's. 

Release...Rest...Root...Restore ... and Roar.

If you struggle with loneliness, overwhelm, self-criticism, fear, or self-abandonment, welcome to our community.

Our Apprentices can now...

  • Say “no” or “not now” without feeling wracked by guilt and second-guessing;

  •  Hold space for others' suffering without trying to "save" them;

  • Be a strong loving presence for justice even if you don't participate in traditional forms of activism such as marches and demonstrations;

  •  Slow down your work for a deeper longer term impact on your community;

  •  Offer your gifts and charge what it’s worth.



1.  Are you feeling lonely because...

  • Your friends and family don't really see the world as you do
  • You've gotten burned in other social justice spaces
  •  Feeling judged and not safe to express yourself at work


2. Are you on the verge of burnout but ...

  • Can't say no without extreme guilt or fear
  • Don't know who you'd be without your job, activism, or business
  • Your Inner Critic is running the show

3. Do you have a dream project, business, or podcast that you want to launch but...

  • Second-Guessing yourself
  • Scattered and Unfocused
  • Daunted by all you have to do 


4. Can't seem to charge your worth in your business or fundraising

  • Apologizing for your fee
  • Not sure you're worth it
  • Hate capitalism
  • Worried about excluding people 


1.  Are you feeling lonely because...

  • Your friends and family don't really see the world as you do
  • You've gotten burned in other social justice spaces
  •  Feeling judged and not safe to express yourself at work


2. Are you on the verge of burnout but ...

  • Can't say no without extreme guilt or fear
  • Don't know who you'd be without your job, activism, or business
  • Your Inner Critic is running the show

3. Do you have a dream project, business, or art that you want to launch but...

  • Second-Guessing yourself
  • Scattered and Unfocused
  • Daunted by all you have to do 


4. Can't seem to charge your worth in your business or fundraising

  • Apologizing for your fee
  • Not sure you're worth it
  • Hate capitalism
  • Worried about excluding people 

Schedule a Sacred Listening Session

Watch the videos below as participants share what the Apprenticeship did for them!

Katie K. is a mom, breast cancer survivor and environmental leader who couldn't slow down even though her body demanded a change!

In this 3-minute video, Katie shares how the Apprenticeship helped her to replace her ego's demand for outside validation with loving guidance from nature and her ancestors.

As Katie says her "inner critic was supplanted by love."

Watch the video below as Katie shares what the Apprenticeship did for her!

Katie K. is a mom, breast cancer survivor and community leader who couldn't slow down even though her body demanded a change!

In this 3-minute video, Katie shares how the Apprenticeship helped her to replace her ego's demand for outside validation with loving guidance from nature and her ancestors.

As Katie says her "inner critic was supplanted by love."

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JOIN 6-Month Apprenticeship

The Apprenticeship follows the Earth’s seasons:


We begin with the Fall Equinox to RELEASE what’s blocking your evolution. 

Just as trees drop leaves and seeds, we too are encouraged to LET GO of

Us vs. Them

Tyranny of Productivity



If you are on the verge of burnout, Releasing these beliefs will help you to find Rest.

Rest is not binging on Netflix or Instagram.

Rest requires us to let down our defenses in the mind and body to heal and receive.

After the Fall Equinox we meet roughly twice a month as a group to practice releasing, resting and rooting.

This is countercultural, and for most of us, impossible without a community of likeminded souls.

Working alongside Aminata, you will connect with the higher wisdom of the Earth, your Beloved Ancestors, your Body and your Heart.

If you are too scared to start or expand your new business/project, Fall into Winter is the perfect time to turn within and build self-trust.

As we move from the fall into winter, we gradually slow down and come to a period of Surrender and Radical Acceptance.

This is not a bypass or complicity with unjust systems.

Fall and Winter are times to go inside and grieve, forgive, reflect, nourish our souls and practice receiving.

When you work with the energy of Fall and Winter, you emerge with clarity, courage and the confidence to take action in the Spring and Summer.


Fall Equinox Soul Journey: Sept. 20-22
Winter Solstice: Dec. 19-22

2 Wednesdays/month (Oct, Nov., Jan. Feb.) @ Noon Eastern


JOIN 6-Month Apprenticeship

The Apprenticeship follows the Earth’s seasons:


We begin with the Fall Equinox to RELEASE what’s blocking your evolution. 

Just as trees drop leaves and seeds, we too are encouraged to LET GO of

Us vs. Them

Tyranny of Productivity



If you are on the verge of burnout, Releasing these beliefs will help you to find Rest.

Rest is not binging on Netflix or Instagram.

Rest requires us to let down our defenses in the mind and body to heal and receive.

After the Fall Equinox we meet roughly twice a month as a group to practice releasing, resting and rooting.

This is countercultural, and for most of us, impossible without a community of likeminded souls.

Working alongside Aminata, you will connect with the higher wisdom of the Earth, your Beloved Ancestors, your Body and your Heart.

If you are too scared to start or expand your new business/project, Fall into Winter is the perfect time to turn within and build self-trust.

As we move from the fall into winter, we gradually slow down and come to a period of Surrender and Radical Acceptance.

This is not a bypass or complicity with unjust systems.

Fall and Winter are times to go inside and grieve, forgive, reflect, nourish our souls and practice receiving.

When you work with the energy of Fall and Winter, you emerge with clarity, courage and the confidence to take action in the Spring and Summer.


Fall Equinox Soul Journey: Sept. 20-22
Winter Solstice: Dec. 19-22

2 Wednesdays/month (Oct, Nov., Jan. Feb.) @ Noon Eastern


Top Benefits of the APPRENTICESHIP:

1. Stopped feeling guilty and was able to take a sabbatical/leave of absence from work

2.  Feeling rested and able to make clear decisions for my business or organization 

3. Found my People; Not Lonely

4.  Healed money wounds and charged my worth

5.  Launched my dream podcast and have all of my interviews for Season One


How Does the Apprenticeship Work?


  1. TWICE per Month Live Group Sessions to Gain:

    Nature and Ancestor Healing Practices that raise your vibration to Love which is the frequency needed to create something new

     3 Ways to drop your hidden beliefs and condemnation of yourself so that you can attract money, partners and believe in yourself

     An instant and intimate community of authentic people who will support you.

  2. Monthly One-on-One Intergalactic Ancestor Sessions with Aminata  

    • To help you connect with your authentic unlimited /intergalactic self and support you in the implementation of your work.

    • These calls help to keep you on track and respond to the internal and external challenges as you work at a slower pace that honors you and makes sure that you offer your work  in a way that recognizes its value.   

  3. Quarterly Soul Journeys for Fall Equinox, Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice

    These deep dives give you tools to harness the energy of each season and set your intentions for the quarter.  We meet daily on one weekend each quarter.


Apply for the Apprenticeship!

To apply for the Apprenticeship, the first step is to sign up for a Sacred Listening Session.  What we're really listening for is what's your next for your evolution.

It may include the apprenticeship, and it may not.

This Free session is a beautiful opportunity to slow down and listen.

Schedule a Sacred Listening Session