#2-007: You In Space; Saturn, Astrology and Your Life Pt. 2 with Barb Horn

podcast Apr 15, 2024

Embark on a celestial journey as Aminata Desert Rose and cosmic guide Barb Horn delve into the mysteries of Saturn's return in Pisces. 

Discover how Saturn's shift to Pisces transforms our spirituality, intuition, and connection to the natural world. 

Aminata shares her own Saturn return experience, triggering Barb to unravel the cosmic connections among those born in the '60s. 

The duo explores the significance of Saturn's influence and its return, inviting listeners to check their charts for potential cosmic alignments.

Barb Horn skillfully breaks down the transformative phases of Saturn returns, emphasizing the deep introspection and growth that occur during these celestial milestones. 

As Saturn transitions from Aquarius to Pisces, the focus shifts from recognizing global interconnectedness to diving into personal spirituality and intuition.

The conversation delves into the profound impact of Saturn in Pisces on individual lives, prompting questions about self-actualization, purpose, and the integration of the heart and mind. 

Barb Horn offers valuable insights into navigating Saturn's lessons in Pisces and the integration of paradoxes.

This fascinating interview covers a range of topics related to Saturn, astrology, personal growth, and the impact of cosmic energies on your individual and collective experiences.



Barb Horn is a lover of the human condition and passionate about our vast multi-dimensionality. Embodying the practical and mystical, reality and imagination, mixing science, psychology, astrology and the fool, she is a transformational alchemist, changing the world one smile, laugh or hug at a time. 

She worked for Colorado Parks and Wildlife for 33 years, founding a community science program, the Colorado River Watch. She is considered a national leader and expert for community scientists serving in various roles, commissions and committees. Today, she is a Voice and Values Coach, Self-Compassion Trainer, Racial Justice From the Heart Trainer and a Community Science Consultant.  A Colorado native, she claims she reached her maximum potential at five years old and has been trying to get it back since. 

You can reach her at scienceofbarb at gmail dot com 

Join her FREE astrological or energetic forecast for 2024.  Please register at this link and you will be sent the zoom link and journal prompts.



Aminata Desert Rose:
Saturn is back in Pisces for only the 2nd time in my lifetime. You're having your 2nd because it takes 28 years to go around. So now I'm having my 2nd Saturn return.

Barb Horn:
And I'll explain that part is going next. Right? So, You know? And there's

Aminata Desert Rose:
plenty of us out here. There's plenty of us out here. It's it's not like a unique birthday that has me have Saturn in Pisces. Nope. Right? There's a whole tribe of us, right, Who were born in the sixties. I was born in 66, in a particular period. I don't know. So I think you should check your chart because maybe this is your Saturn return too if you're a A beautiful queenly woman in her late fifties.

Aminata Desert Rose:

Barb Horn:
Moving on. And for you, it's Pisces. But for every Yes. You can have a Saturn return that's not in Pisces. It's just you're gonna be double whammied because Saturn is the infant. Right?

Aminata Desert Rose:
Because it that's what I mean. Everybody's getting Saturn in Pisces, but those of us who were born with Saturn in Pisces, it's even more significant.

Barb Horn:

Aminata Desert Rose:
Okay. Tell us what we have to look forward to.

Barb Horn:
That's right. So, again, you could think about when you were 28, 29. Often, that is when you Move out of the house. You might get married. You have your 1st kid. So there's all these things happening at that phase in your life. Then Mhmm. Another 28 years go by, and you're now 58, 56, 60, you're gonna have a second Saturn return.

Barb Horn:
And what have you matured from there? And again, in my class, I'll go over this more, but basically from here 28 to 56, You are at a higher level now, more vertically thinking because you have more experiences, more perspectives, More maturity, you can look back on 0 to 7 years old, 7 to 12 years old, these phases in your life, and do the healing that your child didn't get. Do the development that your child didn't get in that 28 to 50 and you do and you do that often through your work, career, through your children, through external events that are Can you your those are the mediums you're working through, but then you kinda look. This is where often where people have the midlife crisis, and the the big question at the Saturn return is, Am I really self actualizing? Am I really moving towards my destiny? What I came here is my life really full? Am I really doing what I'm here to do, or did I just spend a whole career doing something and now I retired and I'm feeling empty? I don't know who I am. You can think of all the questions that we ask at this phase in our life when often our children leave, we retire, we might get laid off. Right? So the bit you're you're

Aminata Desert Rose:
I got you. So Yeah. Land it. It's big questions. Yep. And But when Saturn's in Pisces, there's a particular flavor to the questions?

Barb Horn:
Well, there is, but this is in what I'm saying now is just how Patterns working you,

Aminata Desert Rose:
period. General.

Barb Horn:
Yeah. And then we're gonna talk about what what it means in there, and you'll get that flavor, and people can apply that to their own line. If you're so fortunate Yeah. You live another 28 years. Into your late eighties, you would have a third Saturn review or return, Where now you're the wise, you know, elder and you're maybe not wise, but you're an elder and you do this sort of reflection over your life. What regrets do I have? What's my legacy? What amends do I need to make? It's this conscious eldering if you are connected vertically to living and gracefully, challenge grace to gracefully age and be that wise elder. And, again, things are gonna be happening in your life that will trigger these kind of questions for you. So that's how Saturn matures you.

Barb Horn:
Right? Okay. So now let's talk about Yep. Saturn in Aquarius and Saturn in Pisces, and you can see this grid of cocreation that we're always in. It's it's good to look about where Saturn was because in in every single cycle, however big Or meta or smaller Mhmm. What we grow, what we learn or don't informs the potentiality of the next cycle. So let me give you this example. Okay? So when we're looking at this planet and and, the the So Saturn is this taskmaster this father and it's working through Aquarius.

Barb Horn:
Well, what's Aquarius about? In a very short nutshell, Aquarians Aquarius energy is about living our one world connectedness, living as one, acknowledging and living that we're all connected, we all matter, everything that's here that gets to be here even if we don't understand it, And we're not separate and divided as we think we are. And so during when when Saturn was in Aquarius, which was from, Think about this. December 17, 2020 to March 7, 2023.

Aminata Desert Rose:
I don't need

Barb Horn:
to say a whole lot what happened basically the last 3 years. Mhmm. Mhmm. So here's Saturn is moving through this, hey. Aquarius says, you're one con you're all connected. Wait a minute. You're not living that way. Let me show you how you're not living that way.

Barb Horn:
Let me, through your own work here, let's have a pandemic that doesn't care about what country your end, what age you are, what race you are, what gender you are. Let's just give you something that shows you're all connected and ask you to look at it now in a different way than you have for the last 2000 years, basically. And Saturn is like Well, come on, you guys. You gotta be disciplined. You gotta look at that. You gotta get on 1 page to save yourselves. And so out of that period, out of that 3 year period, these were the questions that Saturn and Aquarius asked us all around having us wake up. We've always been one world.

Barb Horn:
We've always been 1 connected, but it's never been in this consciousness and and alive. Like, vertically, we are connected to it.

Aminata Desert Rose:
Right? So in that period that came through.

Barb Horn:
We were asked, you know, like, do you see what I see? By law, Minara, can you see what I see? Can you see the where this pandemic is coming from? For example, climate change is another example. There's a lot of pressures that are showing us this. Why can't we see what each other are seeing. We and and in Aquarius, we were asked to see to get out of both and binary thinking and perceiving and move into both and. So get out of right and wrong and say Oh,

Aminata Desert Rose:
you mean Either or. Get out

Barb Horn:
of think about Saturn. Get out of my way, your way.

Aminata Desert Rose:
This is the thinking.

Barb Horn:
And look more under the hood at what's common and what's both and. That both and is things like is is statements like, we can have evil and good at the same time. We can, all that's here gets to be here. That's Aquarius energy. So how do we Come together in solidarity, not altruism, but in solidarity across our differences for the common goal of, Look. It matters. You know, when there's a war in u Ukraine, our food prices go up. When there is Polluted air in China, it floats over America and melts our snow faster.

Barb Horn:
All of these things are showing us that we really are connected and shows us then where to

Aminata Desert Rose:
work. Mhmm.

Barb Horn:
Now we didn't succeed. You know? We did grow. We did awaken, but we didn't, You know, come to this one world consciousness, and that's that larger meta meta cycle in the era of moving to the age of Pisces that every Everything cyclone. Every every Mercury retrograde, everything is serving that larger movement Towards Aquarian qualities being the dominant forces, if you will, energies that are recreating All of our values, beliefs, structures, and and systems, which is what makes the future very exciting. Alright. So now Okay. Saturn goes into Pisces, so I'll pause there and see if you have any questions because that was kind of the last 3 years.

Aminata Desert Rose:
Yes. So the last Season on their yeah. The last piece of the cycle, we were sat in in Aquarius, and you said that's all about oneness, Investigating. Can we appreciate and recognize our oneness? And we got experiences to help us to appreciate and see that. But you said that oneness learning was happening inside of a larger cycle, a 25,000

Barb Horn:
Well, the 2000, sorry, the 2000 era of 8

Aminata Desert Rose:
Sorry. The 2000 cycle.

Barb Horn:
Yeah. It's kinda confusing because the ages move backwards, but but think about Saturn's Okay. Like so we're having a pandemic, and Saturn wants us to get our i's dotted and t's Crossed. It wants us to be disciplined about our own health and our own livelihood, but we couldn't even come together and have a A one mind around wear masks or not, shut down or not, for example, to backs or not. And and And, again, a lot of times, in these cycles, what comes up is what's ready to be healed, but it comes up as a trigger, as a pain point. But the idea is personally and collectively, now we have Yes. A different way to will we? But we do have a different way to look at it, and that's exactly like with the wars we're having today. They're coming up.

Barb Horn:
I wish we didn't have to learn so painfully, but clearly the the density that we're at, we do. We're very, very dense beings. It causes a lot of suffering, and the more we we can all sort of vibrate at this higher frequency. I know that sounds really woo woo. This is why I'll plant the seed, why love, beauty, joy, the qualities of Venus, why cover Venus in the free, Reflection of last year is really, really important because those are vibrational medicines to come at the vibrations of hate and all of that down there that elevate it. You know? Again, if you meet vibrationally with the same thing, you get the same Same result. Right. So it'll

Aminata Desert Rose:
be So we're gonna move into Saturn into Pisces now. So we need another Pisces.

Barb Horn:
Pisces. So Pisces, the symbol. Okay. Again, a lot of archetypes, you know, Saturn, if you can look at the symbology of the zodiac signs, and they they tell you a lot archetypally. So the symbol for Pisces is to fish. So like Saturn, who faces the personal Earth planets and also faces the trans Personal and so is working as both collect individually and socially. Pisces also has these sort of 2 fishes, And we've spent 2000 years in the era of Pisces, you know, cultivating the shadow and the light of the 1 fish. So I want to just name some of those So to access these that Pisces work.

Barb Horn:
So Pisces is a water sign, so emotions, spirit, it's the mystical form, the mist form of water, compared to, say, Scorpio, which is like the back stagnant still waters in terms of its symbolization for water. So Pisces is like the particle and the wave. It's the visible and the invisible. It's the horizontal and the vertical. It's the intentional self effort and surrendering to something greater. It's power and powerlessness. It's personal consciousness and our multidimensionality into galactical consciousness, And it integrates our human heart and this higher vertical heart or what I call our cosmic heart, but We have not developed that other fish. We are we are it's kinda like we haven't got there yet.

Barb Horn:
We are really on the particle, the visible, the horizontal, the self eye eye, the human heart, you know, we're here. And again, so when Saturn goes into Pisces as a taskmaster in disciplinary, it's going to ask us to do the work to cultivate that Higher vibration, that higher heart, that connection vertical to the physical. Isn't this cool? I just get so excited. It's going to ask us to find personal trainer. Our inner power and how it's not connected. No. We've been we've been in the age of Pisces, we were we abandoned our body. We abandon our hearts.

Barb Horn:
We abandon our emotions. We said, you know, the head, the mind is it. So this isn't about getting rid of the mind. It's about integrating these other Systems that we have. I short circuit it by saying we're being cultivated to have a Thinking, heart and a feeling mind. A thinking heart and a feeling mind, like, integrating these these chakra centers. So, again beautiful. We live in a time where only 1 fish is

Aminata Desert Rose:
actually a break.

Barb Horn:

Aminata Desert Rose:
Yes. I wanna take a break For, a word from our sponsor, and we're gonna be right back with Barb Horne and completing our conversation about You're muted. Can you stop the recording for a moment?

Barb Horn:
Thank you.

Aminata Desert Rose:
So, Barb, this is so awesome. And I'm wondering to bring it down to a a more individual level, how would this be showing up in my individual life? Saturn in Pisces, what it's asking me to learn.

Barb Horn:
So Pisces let's just 1 more blip on Pisces then. Pisces is going to be through Saturn then asking about your spirituality, your connection to divinity, your ability to discern reality. So in its shadow, because it's ruled by Neptune, this is where lies, misinformation, conspiracy theories Like, the tyranny and the fear show up. So you can ask yourself, where is that showing up in me, and how am I discerning? We don't get to make up our reality. We don't get to cherry pick that I want to be in this political party, and I also want to be, have the grid of success and money coming my way, but I don't want to deal with the grid of, you know, war over there. Like we don't get to do that. It's all here. So you can ask yourself, you know, you might be your intuition is coming online.

Barb Horn:
So for some people, these upgrades are happening physically in their bodies, Emotionally, their brains are kind of foggy, like be patient with yourself as you're literally upgrading to this sort of vertical abilities. So your intuition will be coming online. That's another way it might show up in your life. In your dreams, you might be hearing more. Like you, Aminani, you're amping up and helping many, many people talk to trees, For example, this connection, it's what's in us that's being activated in in a light way and a shadowy. So you want to really pay attention to how you're bringing this vertical new knowledge not to stay up there in la la land, but to bring it to the horizontal plane to help us all evolve. So the nutshell, you

Aminata Desert Rose:
So Saturn and Go ahead. Yes. No. So Saturn in Pisces is about, in a nutshell, activating that intuition. Mhmm.

Barb Horn:
Go ahead. And your your cosmic abilities, you know, your to to feel and sense other people and to bring that level of Eagles perch sorta to now the problems, if you will, of of the horizontal plane. In a nutshell, If Saturn is our task master and Pisces is this sort of vertical two fish, all these different paradoxes Feeling alone but not alone kind of thing. Saturn is asking us to mature, remember, to become mystical mature adults. So Aquarius asked us to recognize we're all connected physically, you know, and in on a on a tangible Taurus Earth. Pisces I don't know. Pisces is asking us to be connected through our hearts, through our energy, through the Internet, through our feelings, through this intuitive mind. It's really an amazing period that we're in, bringing all these things online, and you're co creating your life and our evolution with that.

Barb Horn:
It was super rich and super deep, so I wanted to just

Aminata Desert Rose:
So if people wanna Yeah. Yeah. I was gonna say, so if people wanna go into more detail about this, because I feel like you've definitely just hit the the edge the tip of the iceberg. Yeah. What can we do if we wanna learn more about Saturn?

Barb Horn:
Well, my passion is always to bring these very complex large things down to to your tangible life. You can always contact me at the [email protected] 

Aminata Desert Rose:
Perfect. Perfect. So thank you so much, Barb, for just, you know, kicking off our interest for Adding a little more fuel to the fire. And, and if you wanna follow Barb, reach out to her directly at science of [email protected]. Alright. Until the next time.

Aminata Desert Rose:
Peace and love. Love and peace.

Barb Horn:
Namaste. Thank you, everybody. Thanks, doc.


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