Last week I promised to share with you how to tend to yourself. Below are 3 suggestions that can take 3 to 20 minutes. Let me know your favorites!
Here are some suggestions:
1. Read. I recommend literature that takes you out of our difficult stressful world but that stretches your imagination. Check out my video book review of Ursula Le Guin's The Left Hand of Darkness. Maybe making a short video review is even more restorative than reading the book?
2. Move. I move the body in ways that feel GOOD. Some of us like to feel a burn. Some of us like slow easy stretching. Some like fast movement. Do what feels good EVERY day--especially when you don't feel like it! Dance along with me to our new music video Make America Great not the Land of Hate! It's only 3 minutes.
3. Rest. I do a 20 minute body scan when I feel tired and I need to reboot my energy. You can do this outside on the groundor inside an office. My mind is so addicted to movement and thought that I need someone to guide me through a scan. I'm going to record my own soon but google one in the meantime!
Some of you are probably thinking of all the reasons why none of these will work for you. Let me say this: You are the instrument of transformation. You can't be faithful or powerful or irresistible if your system is chronically stressed, overwhelmed, irritable or saddened by neglect.
Tend to yourself. We need you!
Peace and love,
P.S.--I'm offering my free master class "How to Have a Difficult Conversation about Racism without Losing your Voice or Your Cool on May 23. Join us.