#2-002: Why You Burn Out; A Conversation about Human Design with Pame Barba

podcast Feb 23, 2024

Do you ever wonder why you keep getting burnt out?

Have you ever felt like nothing works when you initiate it, but when you respond to an invitation that’s where you shine?

According to Pame Barba, it’s not you.

It might be your soul’s blueprint or human design.

We all have different energy flows, and forcing yourself to be a Type A aka Manifestor Type might be killing you!

In our latest podcast episode, Aminata Desert Rose engages in a deep conversation with the insightful Pame Barba, a human design expert, about the power of human design in understanding our individual blueprints and finding our true purpose.

Pame Barba shares how she burnt out early in her career in tech and even in her own business, but she could not understand why.

Until she discovered her energetic design.

Listen in as Pame shares the different human design types—Generators, Projectors, Manifestors, Reflectors, and Manifesting Generators.

When you know more about your design, you can trust yourself.

You know when to push and when to back off.

You can stop comparing yourself to other people and play to your strengths.

Pame emphasizes the importance of leadership support and shares her insights on how human design can help leaders and entrepreneurs identify their strengths and operate more efficiently.

In this episode, Aminata and Pame bring to light the potential of human design as a tool for self-validation and understanding, allowing us to accept and embrace our natural tendencies.

If you'd like to learn more about Pame Barba and her work, you can visit her at misspamelabarba.com and connect with her on Instagram at @misspamelabarba.



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