#2-015: How I Healed with My Ancestors, Shamanism & Art with Rosemary Reyes

podcast Jul 06, 2024


How to Heal with Ancestors, Sirius Star Seed, and Art with Rosemary Reyes

  • How do you know if your ancestors are trying to get your attention?
  • What does it mean to be shamana or a shaman?
  • Is the Sirius Star System sending messages via pop music and Lee Harris’ the Z’s?

These are just some of the questions Mother Tree Network podcast host Aminata and special guest Rosemary Reyes consider in this gripping conversation.

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Primary topic: Rosemary's Journey to Shamanic Practice
- Decision to move to New Orleans and experiences with gun violence and stalking
- Seeking guidance from shaman Doctor G Gerald Robinson in New Orleans
- The initiation process and the African ritual given by Doctor G
- Contact with ancestral spirits and star systems, particularly Sirius
- The overwhelming nature of cosmic communication and the shift to channeling through art

Primary topic: Shamanic Practice and Spiritual Beliefs
- The integration of shamanism into everyday life and art
- The challenge of engaging interdimensionality and non-conventional spiritual beliefs
- The importance of grounding shamanic work through physical art and its impact on mental health

Primary topic: Professional Background and Artistic Journey
- Rosemary's work at the Juilliard School and in the arts nonprofit sector
- The decision to immerse herself full-time in art and the challenges it presents
- Use of Instagram as a platform for sharing art and personal journey
- Explanation of the origin of her Instagram handle "mermami"

Primary topic: Inspirational Guidance and Advice
- Message of flexibility and finding peace within oneself during overwhelming times
- Encouragement to prioritize joy and fun in personal and artistic pursuits
- Advice for individuals feeling the pull of initiation or experiencing transformative artistic growth

Primary topic: Cosmic and Ancestral Communication
- Insights into celestial teachings from Sirius and the style of communication
- Communion with ancestral spirits and dealing with overwhelming cosmic communication
- The impact of cosmic lineage and the significance of connecting with stars and natural elements

Trigger alert–There is some mention of gun violence and a stalker.

Rosemary Reyes is a shamanic practitioner and visual artist that employs animation, collage, drawing, and painting as sacred practices to communicate with ancestors. By engaging sacred and ritualistic indigenous practices to produce psychedelic imagery, the result is an attempt to unite her stratified ethnic origins and to transform the devastating legacy of colonization in the Caribbean into something beautiful and playful that looks to the future with a generous measure of optimism. She recently exhibited a show of large-scale collages at Lightforms Art Center in Hudson, NY. Follow her on Instagram: mermami

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