Mother Tree Network Presents...
Winter Solstice Micro-Retreat
Please listen to the video to get the vibration and intent of this Winter Solstice Micro-Retreat.
I recorded the video after a deep meditation where I experienced myself inside the dark, safe, moist, living earth.
I got to this place by sending a cord from my root chakra which for women is at the cervix (who knew?) down into the earth to be with all the trees around me.
Anyhoo, watch the video above.
This retreat will help you to:
Release any ideas, ideologies, energies, relationships, etc that do not serve you
Root in the mycorrhizal plane for knowledge, peace, and guidance through the winter season
We are going to bend time and go deep with only 15-20 minutes per day.
But you will need a candle (s) that can burn for the whole period; new journal; favorite plant ally/teacher/friend
How it works:
The core action is the daily meditation which you can do with us as many mornings as you are able. This will be 15-20 minute daily meditation around 9am eastern each morning via zoom (cameras off).
If you miss a morning, listen to the meditation and follow it on your own.
Everything else is optional.
Listen to your self as to what is enough. Think of it as an open bar at a wedding. You get to decide how much is helpful, fun and celebratory and how much is too much.
Optional Together Activities ...
Tree activity on Saturday morning;
Storytelling and Dream sharing on Sunday time tba
Winter Solstice Ceremony on Wed. Dec. 21 time TBA
On your Own Time (Weave in at least one activity each day)
Journal each day of this retreat even if you only write ONE word on the page.
Walk or sit/stand outside even if it's just a few steps or 2 minutes.
Befriend a plant. We can give you suggestions on how to begin a relationship if you'd like.
Listen to the solstice meditation before going to bed at night.
Email Aminata Sol Plant Walker Fire Woman and share anything you like or to ask for help.
Friday, Dec. 16- Thursday Dec. 22
$111-$222 (Sliding Scale)
How to sign up...
I'm limiting it to 22 people.
Love and courage!
Aminata Sol Plant Walker Fire Woman
P.S.--If you have any questions, email me at [email protected]. Or, trust your intuition.