Dr. Amanda Kemp Presents
Transform Your Hidden Bias
Digital Course
Conversations about biases can feel tough, and you could be hurting people (including yourself) without knowing it ... even if you have the best intentions!
Join Our Online Course!
Sign Me Up!Uncover your hidden bias and TRANSFORM IT into compassion and powerful action!

Hope and compassion.

Strong partnerships for racial justice.

Subtle racism in your circle of influence.

Be Empowered...
To speak up and step up.
Take concrete action steps to create healthy racial consciousness.
Interrupt the fear mongering that fans financial insecurity, scapegoating, and separation.

Lisa Lord
I was incredibly appreciative of the opportunity for this program. I have already applied so much of what was shared. Your entire team is outstanding, and Dr. Amanda is simple the most open-hearted person I have ever met. Many thanks for all you poured into this program!
Hidden bias work is ongoing.
We all need this.
Learn powerful & quick ways -- to cultivate connection-even during quarantine.
Self-evaluate -- is your space subtly excluding people of color?
Reflect -- Are you living, working, socializing and worshipping in predominantly white rather than mixed communities?
Replace fear -- Do you want real relationships but find yourself tip-toeing around race?
To create justice you need to go beyond the intellectual level.
We involve the whole body and your emotions in the healing.
We teach spiritual practices that lead to joy and sustainability as a change maker.
With our approach, you won’t burn out.
Sign Me Up!
Dr. Susan Myers-Shirk
Director Professor of History
Thank you SO much for the workshop. It was both life changing and mind blowing. I am thinking about starting an anti-racism study group with some friends (via Zoom of course). I wanted to make sure it was ok with you to use the materials from the resource guide.
Here’s what you get in the course:

Modules 1 & 2
Confront Whiteness in You & Develop Self-Compassion
- Are you using a white lens? How is whiteness conditioning you?
- What is a white frame of reference?
- What is the white script and how does it come up in everyday conversations?

Modules 3 & 4
See Your Hidden Racial Bias
- What is implicit racial bias and how does it divide people?
- How does it manifest in everyday life and "good people"?
- How do people of color show bias against themselves or each other?
- Take concrete steps to transform your unconscious biases!

Modules 5 - 7
Stand Up for Equity & Cultivate Racial Justice from the Heart
- How do organizations, including non-profits, reinforce white supremacy, a lack of diversity, and toxic climates for all people?
- How do white supremacy characteristics show up in you?
- What are alternative qualities you can cultivate instead?
Racial Justice from the Heart has trained over 25,000 educators, people of faith, coaches and facilitators to stand for justice while rooted in compassion.
Marian Weisenfeld
Dr. Amanda Kemp delivers highly impactful and effective training. The mind/body/heart approach of “making space for transformation” gave me tools to prepare for and sustain my intentions and actions. Dr. Amanda’s diverse team of facilitators provide incredible mentoring during small group exercises. I highly recommend this training for anyone looking for a restorative, collaborative, and energized path toward heart-felt growth and leadership.
After Completing This Training, You Will...
- Develop awareness and implement best practices through 15 hours of training.
- Learn a beautiful emotional resilience practice that will lower your stress and help you communicate better with your colleagues.
- Save time and heartache.
- Make fewer mistakes.
- Get out of shame, blame, and guilt.
- Recover more quickly.
Information about racism doesn’t make it go away; you have to actively develop a racial justice lens.

S. Walters
This is the 2nd workshop I have taken with you. I always feel a very strong connection to you - your story, your methods, your messages… I have a multi-ethnic family (black ex-husband, multi-ethnic daughter, hispanic son trans-racially adopted through foster care). I have been on this journey for a long time and have been struggling with everything that has been happening in the world lately - for so many reasons, but particularly as I help my children process it all. Your messages speak to me and have helped me tremendously. Thank you for your work and for coming into my life at just the moment I needed your message.
All you need is an online connection, an open mind, and...
your BIG heart.