We're in the thick of mid term elections, and it feels like the world is going to hell ina handbasket . . .
Are you feeling exhausted?
Overwhelmed by all the problems?
Grief for our trees, oceans, and animal kin?
Do Less? Do Differently. Heal the world.
If you are someone who wants to DO something and are sick of social media . . .
If you are rooted in love (or at least willing to be) and aching for justice and wholeness . . .
If you know there is something happening on the unseen level—spirit, energy, Higher Power—that can be tapped into for guidance . . .
This is my offering to you...
What is it?
- This is FREE meditation challenge to help you get stronger, grounded, and in your seat of power!
- You (healers, teachers, community leaders, people of faith, entrepreneurs) doing 15 minutes of daily metta (loving-kindness) and fire meditations.
- Each day, you will receive an email with a different Loving-Kindness + Fire meditation to practice daily. The typical structure of these meditations will be 10 minutes of metta (loving-kindness meditation), 5 minutes of guided visualization to honor your anger and let it speak to you.
- We will come together for 2 LIVE touch points (the New Moon and the Full Moon) to notice our impact, practice collectively, and inspire each other to keep going.
- You will stop or reduce unconscious social media and news consumption during the challenge. (It is up to you to decide when, how, and how much is right for you.) Our typical 24/7 scrolling and news cycle degrades the nervous system.

Together, we will . . .
- Stop Us. vs. Them Thinking
- Stop extreme polarization.*
- Rest and Restore our energy.
- Tap into joy.
- Release Grief
. - Take action without wearing out our nervous systems, or adding to our pain bodies. (If you have gone through a lot of trauma, this will be a way to participate without re-traumatizing yourself.)
- Create a more evolved planet and a stronger connection with our Earth Mother, the Divine, or the mother inside of you who loves and protects.
*Polarization is one of the 10 steps of genocide. The mentality that if you’re not with us, you’re against us allows us to demonize and dehumanize each other. (Example: If you don’t support the upkeep of Roe, you’re trying to kill women. If you’re for Roe, you’re a baby killer.) Once you put people in boxes like that, it’s easier for you to watch things happen to them without stepping in to say that’s not right. We are not here to continue this cycle of violence. We’re here to break it.

" So Powerful & Beautiful"
"I just did the exercise on the replay. So powerful and peaceful. A beautiful practice in self love, nurture and mindfulness! Thanks Amanda!! "
Community Member
Is Voting Enough?
We can't keep doing the same thing and expect different results. Let's work at the root level.
Loving Kindness+Fire meditation helps to shift the energetic environment; connects you to Something Bigger; enables you to perceive new paths forward.
Part of how patriarchy and white supremacy works is that it has us believe that You don’t matter and energy doesn't matter.
But your attention and intention are powerful!
Don't squander it on social media or worry.
Just 15 minutes a day will create more Love and Justice in your body, helping you to shift the energy field surrounding the elections.

" What Inspiration!"
"Wow! What inspiration and truths that were shared! Thank you Amanda and all of you beautiful humans in this community. "
Community Member
Why Loving-Kindness Meditation?
Loving-kindness meditation has been studied and found to reduce implicit racial bias and increase empathy.
When people experience positive emotions in loving kindness, they see more options and expand their field of perception.
I was introduced to it through what we call mindful self-compassion; people may also know it through Buddhism.
It is not religious.
It's not even spiritual --per se.
It’s a meditation where you start with love for yourself and then expand out to others, nature, communities, and eventually those you hate.
Why Fire Meditation?
Anger is your friend. It tells you when something needs to change.
The trick is to listen with wisdom--BEFORE ACTING.
The trick is to listen with wisdom --NOT SHUT IT DOWN.
Give anger your LOVING attention and it won't burn you out.
" It's Transforming Us!"
"Thank you for the energy you are holding. I appreciate its openness, positivity, neutrality (unconditional love & acceptance). I can feel it transforming us."
Community Member